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Category: Science

Classroom Update and Year End Review 

Classroom Update and Year End Review 

The school year is winding up and the weather is finally starting to show some promise. After the wettest winter in recorded history, the Pacific Northwest is beginning to dry out a bit. Although I’ve typically ended our “formal” school days in May, I extended it into June this year for a few reasons. First, DJ’s homeschool co-ops and piano lessons don’t end until mid-June. Second, the local schools don’t finish until late June due to all the snow days…

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BFSU: Reading & Drawing Maps

BFSU: Reading & Drawing Maps

We’ve been so busy lately with reading and math and science and more!  DJ has joined a couple homeschool co-op classes including fun science, robotics and hands-on math. At home we’ve now finished 7 chapters of Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding. The latest chapter was on Reading and Drawing Maps.  We started by printing the map of our region and taping it to the inside of our front door. It is huge but it includes areas we visit frequently. We…

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Classroom Update

Classroom Update

Hello out there!  I know, it’s been awhile. But we’ve been so busy. And it’s all been good. Well, mostly all. And mostly good.  The highlights of our weeks have been in reading. DJ is progressing so well with his reading. I am so amazed and really enjoying it as well.  Each day I prepare a lesson from Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading. This usually involves a list of words that follow a particular pattern. In the photo above,…

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Science B-2: Biological vs Natural Earth vs Human-Made

Science B-2: Biological vs Natural Earth vs Human-Made

Before Christmas DJ and I finished a third chapter in our science curriculum, Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding. This lesson, from the life sciences segment is titled “Distinguishing Living or Biological, Natural Earth, and Human-Made Things.” Although this is similar to a Living vs NonLiving exercise DJ did back in 2014, it goes a step farther. First it introduces the term biological that includes all things that are living, were once living or are from living things. When asked to…

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