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Category: Math

Week 6: Writing Progress!

Week 6: Writing Progress!

Early this week, I stopped at Michael’s craft store intending to buy $2 worth of wood for a DIY project. I finally made it out of the store $18 later by begging my son to not let me look at anything else. One of my impulse buys was sand for our sand tray. DJ had accidentally spilled all the sand a little while ago and although I had more white sand to fill it, I just wasn’t inspired to do…

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Week 5: Struggles & Successes

Week 5: Struggles & Successes

After several successful weeks, I have to admit that this one was a difficult one. DJ could not seem to focus on anything, especially not school. The little bit of school that we did accomplish was mostly suggested by me, encouraged by me, dare I say, coerced by me? Ahem, not exactly “follow the child”. Maybe I’ll do better next week. But here’s some highlights (and low points) of what we did do this week. DJ and I reviewed the…

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Week 4: Numbers & Letters with Trucks

Week 4: Numbers & Letters with Trucks

Did I just write that?  Are we finished with four weeks already?  Wow has this month flown by. DJ did a lot of great work this week but the one theme you’ll see throughout is trucks. Very little schoolwork would get accomplished without the cooperation of DJ’s trucks. Oh, well in this case his airplane was keeping watch. This was an exciting thing to watch, at least for me. DJ successfully completed the Teens Board!  He can now count from…

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Week 3: Mostly Geography

Week 3: Mostly Geography

This was an epic week for DJ as his Grandpa Dave bought him his first peddle bike as an early birthday present. He’s had a strider balance bike for two years that he rides like a pro. He is so ready for a “real” bike. His favorite part? The bell on the handlebars, of course. This week also started with me doing a lot of work on Monday that left DJ to entertain himself. Forgive the mess in the living…

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